Deleted Safari and now I cannot get it back. Mavericks

I deleted my Safari browser and now I would like to download it again but it seems that this option is not as easy to be done. I'm running OS X Mavericks at the moment, and there is no download for Safari on the Apple page except for those before OS X Lion.

Safari gets reinstalled:

  • Sometimes when you download and install a Combo Updater.
  • Always when you reinstall the OS.

You could also use a tool like Pacifist to get the app from the install package (or Time Machine from your backup), but it depends on how you lost the app whether you want to go in like a surgeon or have the deluxe treatment. Unless you are sure you can use Pacifist, I'd start with the Combo and then move to the normal installer.

You can copy Safari from the recovery partition:

diskutil mount Recovery\ HD
hdiutil mount /Volumes/Recovery\ HD/
cp -R /Volumes/OS\ X\ Base\ System/Applications/ /Applications

Alternatively redownload an OS X installer from App Store and then use Pacifist: