Is there any synonymous word in English to describe an inoffensive girl? [closed]

In Asian countries, such as China and Korea, populace's aesthetic is quite different from the US.

We prefer a girl who is more sweet, pure, and inoffensive, (my translation is not authentic in English, since sweet can be used to describe any kind of attractive females). And in Asian countries, it is a praise for a girl if she has the characteristics above. I am just wondering whether there are commendatory and exact words in English to describe such girls (not the word to describe their lack of sex experience).

I once read a paper, named Automated Inference on Sociopsychological Impressions of Attractive Female Faces, in It explores the potential of supervised machine learning in face-induced social computing and cognition. Their research subjects are restricted to young Chinese females that are considered by mainstream Chinese to have attractive faces:

enter image description here

They run the Baidu (Baidu is an engine same as Google) image search engine with key words: beautiful/pretty/attractive girls/young women, to select the sample images. The Baidu image search engine relies mainly on captions, labels and blogs associated with the images to produce the query results. The selected face images are divided into two subsets, denoted by S+ (sweet, endearing, elegance, tender, caring, cute.)and S− (pretentious, pompous, indifferent, coquettish), corresponding to the approval and disapproval type respectively. And the image I showed belongs to S+. I know the Chinese characters they actually used as key words. However, since the author of this paper is Chinese, I think their translation of their key words searching for images in search engine is not correct. Hence I am wondering whether there are excat words to describe these girls in S+.

Here's a link of the paper mentioned above.

Solution 1:

You can say she is demure.

Demure: (of a woman or her behaviour) reserved, modest and shy

(Oxford Dictionary of English)

Solution 2:

ladylike from the Cambridge English Dictionary:

graceful, polite, and behaving in a way that is thought to be socially acceptable for a woman:

For year after year women put forward the demand for enfranchisement in gentle, ladylike, mild terms.

Some -- perhaps many -- young women in the US nowadays would be irritated at being called ladylike, because, as the example sentence quoted shows, it implies being mild and therefore unforceful and so probably unsuccessful, and also most likely no fun. Paradoxically, the same young women might be defensive if called unladylike because that word implies being rude and crude and unattractive because of her behavior.

Solution 3:

From Latin, the word decorare: "beauty, elegance, charm and grace.

thus decorous adj

characterized by propriety and dignity and good taste in manners and conduct

As in:

She is a decent and decorous woman.

The antonym, indecorous is a useful word for a proper verbal quiver!