Escorting a guest before saying goodbye as a sign of respect or caring

Solution 1:

This is known as seeing someone to < somewhere >

The host saw his guest to the door

His friend saw him to the airport.

to see out : 1. To escort some visitor to an exit. The butler saw out the visitors. Will you please see Dr. Smith out? 1

If the seeing out was exceptional you can add in all the way to:

He saw his friend all the way to the train station.

1The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Solution 2:

see someone off

Accompany a person who is leaving to their point of departure:

they came to the station to see him off
