Is there a word for people incapable of thinking?

Is there a word for people incapable of thinking?

That is the way it is done since ever. Some offer simplifications: they are, though, for people incapable of thinking.

Is there a word to express that equivalently (or close to equivalently)? The sentence should look like something like this, with ADJECTIVE standing in for the desired word (however, variations will also be considered):

[. . .] they are, though, for ADJECTIVE people.

To clarify, the wanted meaning surely wants to “attack” or to “strike” the addressees but without degenerating into vulgar insults, thus maintaining its fine and elegant form.

Solution 1:

How about imbecilic?

Imbecilic: a person considered foolish or stupid.

A somewhat less offensive term might be unreasoning.

Unreasoning: not reasoning or exercising reason; thoughtless; irrational.

Although perhaps unreasonable is more suited to your incapable criterion.

I had another idea: whilst it doesn't really convey a connotation of incapability, a word which is often used in such circumstances is thoughtless.

Marked by or showing lack of due forethought or care; careless: a thoughtless mistake; a thoughtless bumbler.

Lacking thought: staring blankly in a thoughtless daze.

All definitions from

Solution 2:

brain-dead should work (since I see the pejorative tag)

(humorous) very stupid and boring; not intelligent (Oxford)

Edit: A more elegent term for the same idea would be


anencephaly: congenital absence of part or all of the brain. (

Solution 3:

Thoughtless come to mind. Merriam Webster:

2 : devoid of thought : insensate

Insensate is a 4 bit word, while thoughtless only costs a nickel.

Solution 4:

A very literal word would be vegetative:

characterized by, resulting from, or being a state in which there is total loss of cognitive functioning and in which only involuntary bodily functions (as breathing or blinking of the eyes) are sustained (Merriam-Webster online)

This is a technical word but related to veg out:

to relax in a mindless way (usually followed by out): We vegged out all weekend, watching the soccer channel and ordering pizza. Tonight I'll go home and veg with a good book. (

This is apparently cited as early as 1990 in the film Pretty Woman: "Let's watch old movies all night... we'll just veg out in front of the TV" (source:

A more pejorative word for a person whose brain seems to be switched off is simply to call them a vegetable, particularly a mindless vegetable.