rsync only files and not directories

I wish to sync my portable with my Maemo smartphone for just the files in my working directory (top level folder). What can I do to correct my rsync command to sync files in the source folder but not directories?

rsync -va --no-r --no-R --no-d /home/Xtian/ /run/media/486D-8336/
skipping directory.
sent 10 bytes  received 12 bytes  44.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00

The command begins with verbose and archive options as default. Then I attempted to turn off recursive, relative, and directories. In other words don't follow the tree, don't copy the tree, in fact don't even bother with the folders.

I would try this:

rsync -vt /home/Xtian/* /run/media/486D-8336/

This will skip non regular files and enables just the timestamps on files in order to sync only the differences the next time you run it.

From man rsync: -a flag is an alias for -rlptgoD. You can add additional flags if you need to preserve other file attributes.

Try this:

rsync -r --exclude='*/' source/ destination/
