Search for e-mails with inline pictures in Outlook 2007/2010 advanced search

I am aware that there is a way of searching for mail items that have 1 or 2+ attachments within advanced search in the above outlook versions (and probably earlier ones also), however it appears inline pictures in HTML messages are not matched.

As far as I can think / tell, there is only one way available to find these:

Determine an average e-mail size (in KBytes) for any e-mail with a decent sized image (or indeed other HTML object) in it, and a proportionally smaller amount of text, so one can set a middle ground to search above.

Has anyone else any other cunning ways to address this?

I found that using Outlook's search box I can filter emails with specific embedded in emails just by stating the extension. Examples of this are.

Look for emails with PNG type pictures => body:png PNG type pictures

Images sent to the email domain of my support vendor with JPG type images => to:microsoft body:jpg Sent to an specific domain with JPG images
