What is the Asterisk program event in Windows?

What is the Asterisk program event in Windows?

Sound and Audio Device Properties dialog box (mmsys.cpl) with Asterisk program event highlighted in red

Solution 1:

It's the sound/event that is associated with the Windows "Information" alert type (vs. a Critical, an Exclamation, or a Question).

We can demonstrate this by creating a quick VBS script to create a new message box (see: MsgBox function) and set its MsgBoxStyle to include the "Information" flag (64).

So create a text file named info.vbs or alike, and put this in it:

x=msgbox("Here's some info", 64, "Information Dialogue")

Save it, and run it with wscript info.vbs or cscript info.vbs.

It will pop up a box with an OK button (flag 0) and the "information" icon, and also play the accompanying sound event ("Asterisk").

To compare, if you change the flag to something else, like Critical (flag 16), which will display the matching Critical icon, and play the "Critical Stop" sound.

Hope that clears it up. :)