Laravel Migrate Specific File(s) from Migrations

First you should create one migration file for your table like:

public function up()
        Schema::create('test', function (Blueprint $table) {

After create test folder in migrations folder then newly created migration moved/copied in test folder and run below command in your terminal/cmd like:

php artisan migrate --path=/database/migrations/test/

you should add the path to your migration file to refresh just this table and run

php artisan migrate:refresh --path=/database/migrations/fileName.php

Just look at the migrations table in your database, there will be a list of migration file name and batch number value.

Suppose you have following structure,

id     migration                                           batch

1      2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table                  1 
2      2014_10_12_100000_create_password_resets_table        1
3      2016_09_07_103432_create_tabel_roles                  1

If you want to just rollback 2016_09_07_103432_create_tabel_roles migration, change it's migration batch value to 2 which is highest among all and then just execute following.

php artisan migrate:rollback

Here only table with batch value 2 will be rolled back. Now, make changes to that table and run following console command.

php artisan migrate

Batch value in the migrations table defines order of the migrations. when you rollback, migrations that are latest or have highest batch value are rolled back at first and then others. So, you can change the value in database and then rollback a particular migration file.

Although it's not a good idea to change batch number every time because of relationship among the table structure, we can use this case for some cases where single table rollback doesn't violates the integrity among the tables.

Hope you understand.

if you use tab for autocomplete

php artisan migrate --path='./database/migrations/2019_12_31_115457_create_coworking_personal_memberships_table.php'

php artisan migrate --path=database/migrations/2020_04_10_130703_create_test_table.php

Note :

after --path no / before