Separating comma delimited data from one cell to multiple cells when the entry is a live data link

You can use the text functions Left(), Mid() and Right() to extract the data from the cell, even if the cell itself contains a formula. The text functions will look at the result of the formula and can parse the text.

The exact parameters of the formulas will depend on the data. For example, if the first value is always four digits, you can simply use


but if the first value can have fewer or more digits, then you may need to look for the position of the first comma and extract text before the first comma:


The other formulas will follow a similar approach.

If you don't want to do this with formulas, you could use VBA to copy the cell contents to another place and then parse it with Text to Columns.


Text to Column is not suitable for this since you are trying to split Comma Separated Values from the Formula Cell.


Text to Column can do this but it spoils the Formula.

enter image description here

So that better you try this formula, write it in an appropriate cell & fill Right & Down if required.

=TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE($A2, ",",  REPT(" ", 999)), (COLUMN(A:A)-1)*999+1, 999))

Note, adjust cell references in formula as needed.