Descending list in Powershell

How do I get the a name of a list of the content of a folder in descending order in PS?

  • I just want to get a name of folders of a path.

I am using Get-ChildItem, but I don't know how to go any further.

you can use the following command:

gci  c:\YOUR_PATH | ? { $_.PSIsContainer } | sort CreationTime -Descending | select -Property Name | foreach { $_.Name }

gci is the short version of Get-ChildItem

$_.PSIsContainer will filter the folders available in the current context.

sort CreationTime -Descending will sort descending the content of the output.

Select -Property Name Will select the property "Name."

foreach { $_.Name } will process item per item.

For more help please use the Get-Help cmdlet.