Do techrolls/getup rolls stale dodges?

When in free fall, you can press shield when you're about to hit the ground to perform a tech in Smash. If you're holding a direction, this will turn into a techroll--you'll use a similar animation to a dodge roll.

However, as of Smash Ultimate, dodges will stale the more you use them. Does a techroll count as a dodge in the sense that it'll stale your dodges?

Will a floor recovery roll or a getup roll act the same way?

Solution 1:

The current evidence suggests that only forward rolls, backward rolls, sidesteps, and air dodges are part of the dodge-staling system. Techrolls (any direction), getup rolls (any direction), and edge rolls are not.

This is based on the fact that in the location where dodge staling numbers are stored, only escape_n (sidestep), escape_f (forward roll), escape_b (backward roll), and escape_air (airdodge) have values. Other roll-like options (down_forward_u, down_back_u, down_forward_d, down_back_d, passive_stand_f, passive_stand_b, cliff_escape) do not.