How do I mod Baldur's Gate 1 (GOG edition) with the widescreen mod?

I recently purchased Baldur's Gate 1 from and would like to install the widescreen mod. I've looked all over the internet and can not find a decent tutorial on how to do it.

Has anyone out there done this before and if so, how do I do it?

I downloaded the widescreen mod and ran the script (on Windows XP) and was given a windows DOS screen with the error:

ERROR: Unable to find DIALOG.TLK in: dialog.tlk

Please run this program in your Infinity Engine game directory. 

FATAL ERROR: Failure("Unable to find DIALOG.TLK")

Please ENTER to exit.

I also placed the script in the C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII directory where the dialog.tlk file is and got the exact same error.

Anyone able to do this successfully? I am running Windows XP and using GOG's version of Baldur's Gate 1.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Solution 1:

The problem I encountered was that I placed the script in the right directory, but I didn't run the script in the right directory. The mod I was using was the widescreen mod made by

Basically when you run the mod it asks you what directory you would like to run the script. Because I already had Baldur's Gate 2 installed, it automatically selected that directory, and because I saw that it was in a directory labeled "Baldur's Gate", I didn't even think to check if it was the right game. I assumed it was the first one. So if you already have Baldur's Gate 2 installed, it will run the script there by default. Right before you click install make sure you are in the correct directory for the script to be run in. That is exactly what the above error is telling the user to do.

Solution 2:

If you also own Baldur's Gate II, you could alternatively use Baldur's Gate Trilogy, which allows you to play Baldur's Gate I using the engine of the second part. I vaguely remember that the engine of Baldur's gate II is supposed to have fewer problems with widescreen settings.