New posts in baldurs-gate

Can I keep Jaheira/Khalid and Montaron/Xzar from killing each other?

Thief build for Baldur's Gate (EE)

How does Find Traps work?

Durlag's Tower in Baldur's Gate

How can I get my party to actually fight and stop ignoring enemies?

Contaminated Ore and Mysterious Green Liquid

Rushed In Baldur's Gate

Can gemstones, rings and the like be charmed in Baldur's Gate?

How does spell cooldown system works?

Can I use saves from BGEE to play BG2?

What shield size should I use?

How do I mod Baldur's Gate 1 (GOG edition) with the widescreen mod?

What book do I need to re-enter Candlekeep, and where do I get it?

Do wands in Baldur's Gate have limited charges?

In what sequence should I play Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale and Planescape Torment so I can transfer my character?

Can I run Baldur's Gate on my Windows 7 computer? [duplicate]

Are party members expected to be disposable and swapped out when I feel like it or they die?

Why won't Minsc join my party?

Can you play Baldur's Gate without a mouse?

Which NPCs can you keep for the longest time while playing through the trilogy?