How do I unequip both spells from the favorites menu?

Solution 1:

I can unequip both spells by clicking right once, to remove the off hand, then left to remove the main hand. Did no have problem with this.

Do understand that :

  • You need to highlight the currently selected spell in the hand you want to remove
  • Click with the mouse button corresponding to the hand you want to remove the spell from

Adding sequences:

  • Spell () + Mouse L = Spell (L)

  • Spell () + Mouse R = Spell (R)

  • Spell (R) + Mouse L = Spell (R, L)

  • Spell (L) + Mouse R = Spell (R, L)

Removing sequences:

  • Spell (R, L) + Mouse L = Spell (R)

  • Spell (R, L) + Mouse R = Spell (L)

  • Spell (R) + Mouse R = Spell ()

  • Spell (L) + Mouse L = Spell ()