Do legendary skins count as unowned in trades?

According to this reddit thread, the following will occur while trading

  • Trading an Armored Mewtwo for normal Mewtwo without owning a normal Mewtwo will count as an owned special trade
  • Trading a Normal Mewtwo for Armored Mewtwo without owning a Armored Mewtwo will count as an unowned special trade.

Each Pokémon that have variants, such as costumed, forms, or alolans, has a base and non-base forms. Base is considered the original version, such as normal Mewtwo. Non-Base would be any variants, such as Armored Mewtwo. If you have the base form, but not the variant, the variant will be considered unowned. If you have the variant, but not the base, then the base will be considered owned.

To test this, I used two accounts - Account A had both forms of Exeggutor and Account B only had alolan Exeggutor.1 In the confirmation screen for accepting the trade for regular Exeggutor and alolan Exeggutor, the trade was considered an owned and did not count as a special trade despite Account B not owning a regular Exeggutor

1 No Pokémon were harmed during this experiment