Term to describe initial investment versus long term gains

Your investment is far-sighted, and will pay off in the medium to long term. *

far-sighted, from The Free Dictionary

Planning prudently for the future; foresighted: large goals that required farsighted policies.

Example, the successful development of South Beach:

By now, the riches-to-rags-and-back-again saga of South Beach is familiar to many. The areas first real boom got rolling in the Mafia-fueled Roaring Twenties, and all those sophisticated art deco buildings of the 1930s were built for a Jewish clientele driven uptown. By the '70s the deteriorating deco district had become known as "God's waiting room," full of old folks, crime, and drugs. Preservationists and farsighted developers launched a heroic revival in the late '80s, with an assist from NBC's Miami Vice, and voile, a sun- and sex-soaked hot spot was born, christened South Beach.

  • I am avoiding "in the long run" because "in the long run we are all dead". (Keynes)

I would call it a good investment or a worthwhile investment, or something that will pay for itself many times over. If there is a more appropriate word or phrase it escapes me at the moment.