Alternative for "dead-end job" that is not disrespectful
You could say "I don't want to be a office worker", but that would include more that just dead-end jobs, or maybe "I don't want to be a menial employee". Somewhat negative, less so that dead-end job, or "Temporary employee". That would probably be the one you want.
A tip for looking through a Wikipedia page, look at the sources as well!!
Seems like your example of a dead-end job will get you somewhere, that makes a broken question. From, Question here
"If something 'won't get you anywhere' ,it means this thing is useless and it is not worth doing it or pursuing it.
And that is some copy pasta for you!
As you can see, your job is still worth doing, it does not fit very well with dead-end job.
Limited growth opportunity seems best, but the asker(Sp. Cker. says i cant put er on, HELP) is not satisfied.
It doesn't seem to be in usage, but I would suggest career path terminus (or possibly "career track terminus") as a neutral description of farthest place you will reach in a given career. The analogy is with "terminal degree" meaning the highest degree in a given professional track.
This is a prestigious position, but be aware it's basically a career path terminus.
"Terminal career" would be briefer, but that sounds terrible. If you wanted something similar with a positive (rather than neutral) sound, you could go with "career path apex."
Though it it hard to find a formal definition, I think steady job or stable job fit the bill.
Both give continuity, both lack excitement.