"Keyboard" version of "trigger-happy"?

What would be a good adjective to describe someone who sends/publishes digital artefacts without thought. For example: someone who likes participating in flame-wars, or someone who replies to an e-mail before prior thought (even if not rudely). In short, a "keyboard" version of "trigger-happy".

Solution 1:

I have three suggestions. The first is digitally-incontinent

incontinent, as defined by Merriam-Webster:

a (1): lacking self-restraint (2): not being under control

b: unable to retain urine or feces voluntarily

Digitally-incontinent would mean an inability to control one's fingers as they type and then send into the world message after message after message, not all of which are well-formed. (Just realized double meaning of digital here, duh!)

See Dealing with Digital Incontinence at Times Higher Education

Two variants on this are:

keyboard incontinence and digital diarrhea

The meaning of incontinence should be obvious from the definition of incontinent given above. Keyboard incontinence means the same as digital incontinence.

My third suggestion is digital diarrhea, an extension of verbal diarrhea, which is defined by Cambridge Dictionaries Online as

to talk continuously or too much

Moreover digital diarrhea is defined by The Urban Dictionary as

The social networking equivalent of verbal diarrhea. Usually involves an excessive amount of pointless quips on one's blog page, facebook wall, twitter, etc.

The Urban Dictionary is not a highly regarded source on this site. But who can argue adapting verbal diarrhea as defined by Cambridge Dictionaries to digital diarrhea?

One would say: "John is digitally-incontinent" or "John has digital diarrhea" or "John has keyboard incontinence". The first is the same construction as "John is trigger happy"; the latter two are not, but but are close. To a native English speaker these terms, although informal, are not nearly as impolite as the definitions of diarrhea and incontinence would suggest.

Solution 2:

You could call them a keyboard berserker. I just made that up. It's a riff on keyboard warrior.


1. violently or destructively frenzied; wild; crazed; deranged:
He suddenly went berserk.

2. (sometimes initial capital letter) Scandinavian Legend.. Also, berserker. an ancient Norse warrior who fought with frenzied rage in battle, possibly induced by eating hallucinogenic mushrooms.
