Guest login got enabled even though FileVault 2 is enabled and Guest login is disabled

Solution 1:

How to disable that “Guest User” from appearing at the OS X 10.7.2 login screen

  • Open System Preferences
  • Click on “Security & Privacy”
  • Click the lock in the lower corner and type in your administrative password to unlock the control panel
  • Check the box next to “Disable restarting to Safari when screen is locked”

This prevents the Guest User account from being visible at the login screen both during reboot and at the login screen. Again, it’s highly recommended to keep this enabled for security purposes, but if your Mac is locked down with a security cable or you don’t have any use for Find My Mac, you could disable this and not feel too bad about it.

enter image description here

If you haven’t tried it yet, clicking on the Guest User account gives you this message:

This computer will restart to a secure, Safari-only system for the Guest user.

The reboot process is quick and opens directly to Safari, there is no access to anything else. No Finder, no preferences, nothing.

Source: osxdaily

Solution 2:

This appears to be by design.

Keep in mind, the whole drive is still encrypted with File Vault. The 10.7.2 Guest/Safari-only User only has access to / runs off the Recovery partition, not the main volume where your user data and applications are stored.

If someone does login to the Guest User, they have no access to the system partition, and as a bonus, the Mac is findable via Find-My-Mac.

Solution 3:

This a common issue, specially with the latest version of OS X like 10.11. The issue you guys are facing is mostly caused by settings new Macs with "Find My Mac" and File Vault enabled at the first boot.

You can remove the guest account by:

  1. Disable "Find My Mac" at System Preferences > iCloud > Find My Mac
  2. Disable the guest account at System Preferences > Users > Guest User

However it might not be enough!! File Vault login screen is not part of the system - it's built right on the EFI. When you setup a new computer / change users accounts the OS actually notifies the EFI of changes and apparently there might be a but where disabling the guest user won't make the system notify the EFI.

After some thought, I came up with a solution to force the EFI login screen update:

  1. Make sure "Find My Mac" and the Guest User are disabled and reboot (if the problem persists continue);
  2. Check if "System Integrity Protection" (rootless) is enabled: Run csrutil status at the Terminal App and if it says "System Integrity Protection status: enabled." (if it says disabled, only do 2.4 and 2.7):

    2.1. Reboot your computer in "Recovery Mode": Shutdown and hold Command + R right after pressing the power button;

    2.2. Go into "Utilities > Terminal" and run the command: csrutil disable;

    2.3. Reboot the computer;

    2.4. After login open the Terminal app and run: sudo touch /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/EFILogin.framework/Resources/EFIResourceBuilder.bundle/Contents/Resources this will force the EFI login update;

    2.5. Reboot your computer (again) in "Recovery Mode": Shutdown and hold Command + R right after pressing the power button;

    2.6. Go into "Utilities > Terminal" and run the command: csrutil enable;

    2.7. Reboot the computer.

Your problem should be fixed, I used this fix on two different machines and it seems to work perfectly. Enjoy. ;)