New posts in guest-account

How do I change display language for Guest account under Windows7?

I created a guest account on windows 10 but unable to sign in,why?

Change guest account photo in Mavericks?

AirPort Express Base Station "Guest" network does not allow logons. (spinning wheel)

New user owns old apps in Mac

Disk scan shows account Guest uses 74 gigabytes; Can I reclaim space?

Can Steam games be available to the Guest account?

Possible to add a password to the guest account on Mavericks?

Enable Guest User in 10.14.x Via the Command Line (without a MDM)?

How to disable the Guest account in macOS Mojave using `dscl`?

loginwindow process out of control

Can I make a locked iTunes 'house account' for a library?

How can I change the Guest account's background image?

Manage Guest Account via Profile Manager

What do I need to provide a wired guest isolated access to my home network?

Launch an Application on login for the Guest User

How to remove Guest option from login screen?

Guest account on Lion vs Mountain Lion

How to disable the Guest account on OS X El Capitan

Are there any security risks with leaving guest account enabled?