How do I change display language for Guest account under Windows7?

I want to change display language of menus and etc for Guest account. Default computer language should be English.

I've installed 2 language packs and I can change language in Control Panel. Problem is that Guest account has limited rights and can't change his own display language.

How do I do that from admin account?

Solution 1:

The quickest way I can think of is to give the guest account admin rights, log in, change language, log out, put guest restrictions back.

There must be a better way, but, I can't think of one off the top of my head without being on a domain and using group policy.

edit... Just tried... If you are using a version of Windows with Group Policy Editor (Windows 7 Professional/Ultimate/Enterprise) follow this:

Click the Start Orb and type MMC. When MMC is up, click File > Add / Remove Snap-in, Choose Group Policy Object Editor. Click Browse then click the Users Tab and choose Guest.

From here, Expand User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel > Regional and Language and you can unrestrict these options for the guest account. Also take a look at User Configuration > Administrative Templates >System > Locale Services.