Deactivate sound for iPhone calls on Mac OS Yosemite

When somebody calls my iPhone it rings on my Mac Yosemite, too - which is great!
But i would love to only have the visual hint and a silent ringtone!

Unfortunatelly i cannot find any settings for this issue.
Who has a solution for me?

enter image description here

Solution 1:

I made myself a silent ringtone, named it Apex - which is 2nd in the list of available FaceTime tones, rather than change the default.

Renamed the original to Apex-old, then dropped the new file file in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ToneLibrary.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Ringtones/ & set that as my ringtone in FaceTime itself.

I found no other way to persuade FaceTime to use custom tones; can't find where the default list of 'system' tones lives.
Simply dropping new sounds in there doesn't add them to the available choices, unlike iTunes etc.

As Mentioned in comments by Lukas, you can easily find silent ringtones for free through Google -

If you fancy making ringtones yourself, any AAC file of less than 40s can be quickly converted & dropped to iTunes with MakeiPhoneRingtone by RogueAmaoba

Solution 2:

There is the option in FaceTime preferences to choose a Ringtone. Unfortunatly there is no option for "NONE". As a workaround I found you can edit the file that sets this. The file is

The file is located in:


If the file doesn't exist the below command will create it. Running the below will not deactivate facetime calls only silence them.

sudo defaults write ~/Library/Containers/ ringtone "system:"

After you run this either logout and back in or run the below commands:

killall cfprefd
killall Finder

The part in the above command that is setting it to silent is the "system:", if you want to set it back to a sound ringtone you would do something like "system:crystal". Where as crystal is the name of the ringtone.

Not sure if anything else is reliant upon this file so make a backup before hand if the file exist on your system.

Solution 3:

Try disabling sound for notifications under FaceTime preferences:

System Preferences > Notifications > FaceTime > Unselect the "Play sound for notifications" checkbox