How do I change a disk partition map scheme from MBR to GUID Partitions Table?

Ok thanks for your help, but I solved the problem on my way, here's what I've done:

  1. Backup everything important to an external Harddrive
  2. Inserted the Mac Installation Disc and ruined there the disc utility app.
  3. I removed everything from my HD and it was GUID-Partioned.
  4. Now I just installed Mac Os X 10.6.2 and updated to 10.6.8
  5. Now I could run the installer of Mac Os X Lion without any problems and as a benefit of the whole thing, I started with a brand new Mac Os X Installation, without any trash in the file system.

search: claims that is able to do MBR -> GPT conversion.

Then there's supposedly some not-for-faint-of-heart options mentioned in that thread, which IMHO judging from the tone of the original question, are not safe enough to use. At least make a whole disk backup first.