How make Safari 7 open PDF files in Preview instead of opening them in-page?

Just adding support to find an answer to this issue. I suppose in the meantime do this:

defaults write WebKitOmitPDFSupport -bool NO

Holding ⌥ alt/option down while clicking it makes it download it. That is with the old hack still marked YES. Not the best solution, but will do for the time being.

For Me this was not enough. I had do de following:

  1. Type in

    defaults write WebKitOmitPDFSupport -bool YES

    This disables pdf support in Safari.

  2. Restart Safari

  3. Type in Terminal app:

    defaults write WebKitOmitPDFSupport -bool NO

    This enables pdf support in Safari.

  4. Restart Safari and reload pdf page.