How to quickly jump to another application without using command tab

I am trying to do a screencast and I use + to move from browser to my IDE . During editing I need to remove all the screenshots of me moving from one app to another since that is distracting.

I was wondering if there is any utility I can buy or if there is a trick so that I can quickly move from my browser to my IDE.

Note that my browser and my IDE are of the same size while doing screencasting so they overlap each other. I just need a trick so that browser comes to the top just like that and when I need IDE to the top I can bring IDE to the top with some key combinations on my keyboard.

Solution 1:

If you press + quickly, you switch to the last app used and the icons don't show up.

To make sure it works, + to your browser. Then to your IDE. Then, quickly press the + shortcut. You'll immediately switch to the browser. Do the same again to immediately switch back.

Hope this does it for you.

Solution 2:

Just tested this and it works well. You will be able to launch each app with a keyboard shortcut of its own by using nothing more than two simple Automator Services, and the Built in keyboard shortcuts.

In this example I am using Preview and Safari.

Create to new Automator Services. Open Automator and choose 'Service'

First Service.

1,Add a 'Launch Application' action.

2, set the Actions application to 'Preview' by using the drop down in the action.

3, set Service receives to: 'no input' in 'Safari' (Do this by using the drop downs at the top.)

4, save the Service As Launch Preview

Second Service.

Use the menu file ->New. And again choose 'Service'

1,Add a 'Launch Application' action.

2, set the Actions application to 'Safari' by using the drop down in the action.

3, set Service receives to: 'no input' in 'Preview' (Do this by using the drop downs at the top.)

4, save the Service As Launch Safari

System Preferences

Now open System Preferences -> Keyboard. Go to the Tab:Keyboard Shortcuts

1, Select 'Services' in the left hand pane.

2, In the right hand pane, scroll down to the bottom where 'General' services should be.

You should see your two new services. 3, Double click the blank white space in front of the service name. (As far to the right as the pane allows you )

4,You should now have a text field where you can enter you hotkey for the service.

5,Once done for both service Make sure they are still both ticked and close System Preferences

Now when you are in one or the other app use the keyboard short cuts to switch apps.

Example of keys I used in my test:

While in Safari: crtl+alt+cmd +p t go to Preview

While in Preview: crtl+alt+cmd +s t go to Safari

p.s doing the two services this way will make sure that the hotkeys/keyboard shortcuts, only work when in the said applications. And will not be called when in a third application..

Solution 3:

There are a number of utilities out there that can launch applications with a key combination. I use Butler, and I used to use DragThing, but there are quite a few out there. These utilities generally allow you to assign a key combination to launching anything. If this is an application and the application is already running, then they'll simply bring that application to the foreground.