Term describes the feeling of weariness or boredom

What do you call the state of tiredness or lack of interest. It is subtly different from ordinary boredom. A feeling like "the world is so boring"but just a little different, implying that the state of weariness is a result of too many encounters with others.
There is an exact term but I can't remember it.

A good noun describing such a state is ennui.

ennui noun: a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement.

synonyms: boredom, tedium, listlessness, lethargy, lassitude, languor, weariness, enervation (Google)

Ennui, boredom, tedium, and doldrums- are comparable when they denote a state of dissatisfaction and weariness.


Use this noun to describe a period of time that is boring, depressing, or characterized by inactivity.

  • The noun doldrums is derived from the word dull. If you’ve been vegging out in front of the TV for hours, bored out of your mind, you might say you’re "in the doldrums."


Doldrums applies to a phase or period of depression that may be marked by listness, despondency and flagging enery.

(MW dictionary of synonyms)

Jaded perhaps

bored or lacking enthusiasm, typically after having had too much of something.


or World-Weary

feeling or indicating feelings of weariness, boredom, or cynicism as a result of long experience of life.
