What is the English word that means "making something more broadly known and understood"?

disseminate as defined by Oxford Dictionaries

spread or disperse (something, especially information) widely. "health authorities should foster good practice by disseminating information"

In your example: "The CEO ordered the Human Resources Office to disseminate the new policy on workplace harassment by holding a meeting, with ample time for Q&A, in every division by the end of the quarter."

Promulgate could work.

Promulgate - promote or make widely known
Example: These objectives have to be promulgated within the organization.

Another possible word is popularise.

From Cambridge Dictionaries:

popularize verb [T] (GENERAL) - to make something ​known and ​understood by ​ordinary ​people: Television has an ​important ​role to ​play in popularizing new ​scientific ​ideas.

From The Free Dictionary:

  1. popularise - make understandable to the general public; "Carl Sagan popularized cosmology in his books"

You could consider using the verb circulate which means:

to pass from person to person or place to place

When there was no intranet (inter-company internet), a memorandum about a new regulation was circulated from a person to another person within a team or department to make sure they understood it well. They had to sign their initials on a signature box after reading it. The word is still being used and the memorandum is circulated in the form of an electronic document on the intranet. If it is classified as confidential or very important, a company still circulates a printed version.

Your example:

The company circulates its new regulation on the intranet.


Not an exact match but evangelize is sometimes used for spreading awareness about a technology, see Technology evangelist entry on Wikipedia.