Who is the person in charge of the vehicles within a company? [closed]

Solution 1:

Fleet manager.

This is the person who is in charge of the vehicles within a company.

Ref e.g.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fleet_management

Solution 2:

Just to resolve the two answers:

If the business revolves around transportation, its vehicles collectively are its fleet. A trucking company has a fleet, an airline has a fleet, a rental-car or taxi company has a fleet, a navy, of course, has a fleet.

If the business needs transportation as an ordinary part of its business and so maintains a few vehicles for its own use, they are its motor pool.

(Question for the class: does the Post Office have a fleet or a pool? My own guess it that it's called a fleet, because its integral to the business.)

Unsurprisingly, the manager of a fleet or motor pool is the fleet manager or motor-pool manager. Many military installations have motor pools, and their supervisor is referred to by rank, typically "motor-pool sergeant".

Incidentally, the parts of the military that revolve around transportation but are not navies do not say "fleet". The air-force has "wings" (something of a pun, since the usage is really derived from the wing of a building, but suggests the wing of a plane); and armored units have "columns", platoon, and companies.

Solution 3:

The vehicles of a company are often referred to as a fleet.

Funnily enough, Googling "fleet" gave me results for people who manage company cars as the top two results.

A number of vehicles or aircraft operating together or under the same ownership.
‘a fleet of ambulances took the injured to hospital’

Therefore, I would call the person who is in charge the fleet manager. This is the case for our company, and we're not even in an English speaking country.

Solution 4:

Another phrase used for a the vehicles belonging to an organization is the motor pool. This usually has the connotation of a fleet of vehicles that do not "belong" to a particular worker but are instead assigned to various employees as necessary to complete their tasks. Someone who is in charge of such a group of vehicles would therefore be a motor pool manager or a motor pool supervisor.

Example (PDF):

The following information will be helpful to you in securing a vehicle from the Kentucky State University Motor Pool:

1) Call the Motor Pool Manager (Calvin Clark) at xxx-xxxx and request the type of vehicle needed, at least two weeks in advance of trip.

Solution 5:

The other posters aren't wrong. Fleet or motor pool manager is going to be a good midlevel title. I'll just note that a larger corporation might also have a vice president of fleet operations, logistics, transport, or transportation services who would oversee the local fleet managers and their car pools.

On the other side, you might have a smaller company where the person in charge of the vehicles within the company is called Ed.