What is the word for someone who ignores others and does what they want to

This could be in a positive or negative way. So someone ignores people telling them to murder or someone ignores someone telling them to stop being rude. Basically how can you describe someone who just follows their gut in everything they do.


ob·sti·nate ˈäbstənət/ adjective stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.

Taken from Oxford Dictionaries.

What about "maverick"? That's the word that came to my mind, although the following formal definitions don't exactly match your description.


Adjective: Showing independence in thoughts or actions.

Noun: One who does not abide by rules.


My choice(s) -


uncompromising (adj)

  • not making concessions


  • stubbornly obstructive (unwilling to cooperate)


Someone who just sticks to their own opinions while ignoring those of others is:

self-opinionated (Oxford)

Having an arrogantly high regard for oneself or one’s own opinions:

a pompous, self-opinionated bully

Not a single word, but try:

be your own person/woman/man (Cambridge)

to be in control of your life and not allow other people to tell you what to do:

Nobody tells me how to live my life - I'm my own man.