Word that means having eaten one's fill

One word you could use is “sated": ( from M-W)

  • having one's appetite completely satisfied:

    • the sated baby fell instantly to sleep.

You could say that the frog is replete:-

Filled to satiation; gorged. [American Heritage Dictionary via The Free Dictionary]


having one's appetite completely or excessively satisfied by food and drink; stuffed; gorged; satiated [Collins English Dictionary via The Free Dictionary]

You could say that the frog is satisfied, and let the user connect the frog's satisfaction to the meal you previously described: The satisfied frog hopped back to its lily pond.

You could use fully or totally satisfied to emphasise that the frog had eaten all that it desired.

Another option is to re-word the sentence to avoid the misunderstanding.

"Engorged with flies, the frog hopped back onto its lily-pad".

Not speaking to the question, but I've always enjoyed the term 'frolicking bog-hopper' for frog.