Ubuntu cant open .deb files - how can I correct this?

I've downloaded Ubuntu because my Windows 7 kept showing a black screen with a cursor on it and and wouldn't boot up properly. So I thought that maybe Linux would work.

It worked perfectly but I can't open .deb files, which should be made for Ubuntu.
Also, If i try to download Steam 64-bit, it tells me an error and can't download it. I don't know why since it's made for Ubuntu.

Solution 1:

For a start, download the Steam Client.

After that, you need to navigate to the location you saved the steam_latest.deb file. By default your downloaded files are stored in /Downloads folder.

Open a Terminal with Ctrl+Alt+T and type:

cd /Downloads

Next to install it type:

sudo dpkg -i steam_latest.deb

sudo apt-get install -f

Now a new windows will pop out as in the image below:


Click on the button Start Steam.

Solution 2:

Just for your info, Steam has a limited number of games ready for Linux. Even if you install Steam, you might not get to see your entire collection of games under Ubuntu.

I would install Steam directly from their site: Steam Linux

Regarding your inability to open .deb files, we need more info. It might be a number of reasons. Go into the command line, and copy the error message. Usually it tells more. When you double click on a .deb file, and it fails to execute due to whatever reason, you will not always see the error message.

Solution 3:

There's an option to reinstall the software-center with the terminal ("I like you terminal!").

Purge USC and reinstall it (two seperate commands):

sudo apt-get purge software-center

sudo apt-get install software-center

Answer "Y" (YES) when he asks you.

IF you got (this is NOT a command for running): "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.",

just run:

 sudo dpkg --configure -a

As he say ^^ .

Solution 4:

fix for corrupt deb package for steam client:

1) Download steam.deb via console

wget http://media.steampowered.com/client/installer/steam.deb

2) Install realpath

sudo apt-get install realpath

3) Install

steam sudo dpkg -i steam.deb