LibreOffice icon tips shows incomplete text/info

I have LibreOffice 5, and since I installed Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, LibreOffice's icons tips show it's text/info incomplete.

I can't find a way to fix it.

I've tried: Tools > Options > Libre Office > View

There I turn on/off the "Screen font anti-aliasing", fixing it temporarily, but after closing LibreOffice the problem returns.

Any idea of how to fix it definitely?

Image of the problem:


Solution 1:

It's possible we are hit by Bug 91533 - Tooltips are truncated if OS default font is size 12.

To quote from there:

Tested under Ubuntu / Unity 15.04 with several different default fonts (Ubuntu, Sans, Linux Biolinum, etc.) at OS level. It is clearer with the tooltips of the status bar. If I change the size of the default font to 11, there is no problem.

And a subsequent comment in the bug thread has this:

Note: Today I installed my own build of LO 5.0 beta1+ on another computer with bigger screen. This computer is under Ubuntu 15.04 x86-64 too and I can't reproduce the problem with it. So the problem seems to be related to the screen size. On my laptop with screen 1366x768 I have the problem, on a screen 1920x1080 I do not reproduce it.

According to comment #14 dated 2016-09-08, a fix has been pushed and will be available in version 5.1.6.