How can i speed up the animation of hiding the menu bar?

I recently installed OS X El Capitan and figured out I could hide the menu bar. But it would be nice if i could accelerate the animation. For hiding the dock menu I use these defaults. I wondered whether I can do this for the menu bar?

defaults write autohide-delay -float 10;

How can I get there anyway behind how I can change this in the future for other things? Is there anywhere documentation of adjusting defaults?

Thanks in advance.

As of macOS Sierra 10.12.6 there is no preference for controlling the animation speed of the menubar hiding animation. It used to be there, but was removed in Yosemite. The only workaround is to press Ctrl-Fn-F2 (or Ctrl-F2 if you inverted the Fn key) to immediately show and activate the menu bar. You can then navigate by keyboard or click items with the cursor.