Is there a way to download Screen Time data from iPhone or other Apple iOS devices?

I am a data analyst and would like to look at the underlying data that is the basis for the relatively simple screen time reports. I want to be able to look at my phone usage data in more detail and beyond the 7 day report period that is usually reported.

Has anyone figured out how to access the data or create more in depth analyses?

I am looking into this for quite some time already and I believe there is no option to do so as of now.

However there are two ways I found to get around this issue:

  • Option 1 (without jailbreak): Use an App like Moment to track your phone usage and export the data via this app. My problem with this soultion is the fact that I potentially give away my data to the app's developer.
  • Option 2 (with jailbreak): I found this great resource that makes use of the data Apple collects anyways. The data still needs to be extracted via a script file and you still need to put some work in in order to process the outputs, but I think this is the safest bet. With this scripts you are able to extract a lot more than 'just' the phone usage.