How to not import duplicates from shared Photos album

When I import photos from a shared library, either from my own Family album or one shared with other iOS users, they are imported as expected. I cannot reimport them again.

However, if you share a picture in a shared album yourself (e.g. originating from the on on my Mac), you can import that photo again once in your library. Resulting in duplicate photos.

This occurs in the Mac OSX Photos app, version 1.0.1 (215.65.0).

I'm aware that 'duplicate' in the technical definition may not be accurate; the imported photo in this case will have a different filename and be of lower resolution. But from a functional perspective it IS a duplicate.

Is there any way to avoid importing these duplicates so every now and then I can safely select and import a bunch of pictures from a shared library, without having to cleanup the duplicates afterwards?

Note that I've seen a similar older question, which is only for iPhoto.

Update 11 Jan, 2016: This is still an issue with the latest version of Photos v1.3 (350.23.0)

I don’t have a full solution to what I analyze as a conceptual bug in iPhoto and Photos:

they don’t attempt to avoid duplicates, either real ones or false ones where there is simply 2 different names pointing toward the same internal file ( like link in the Finder do ).

My personal work around is purely organizational:

I strictly respect the following rules:

  • I only import photos from external sources ( camera, iPhone ),
  • On every import I always activate the delete after import option.
  • On every import I explicitly select a folder to import to.

Thus all my photos are sorted from the beginning, and I avoid any form of duplicate.

But to be honest, I feel that Photos needs a serious improvement for people who manage more than a few hundreds pictures.