What is another word for severe consequences?

I am trying not to overuse the words "severe consequences". I am describing how different entrepreneurs are responding to a crisis differently.

For example in this sentence:

An entrepreneur was forced to recognize the severe consequences of knowledge-shortage and act accordingly.

What do you think another word for severe consequences is?

Solution 1:


a complex or unwelcome consequence of an action or event.

Solution 2:

How about "Serious repercussions"?

Solution 3:

Fallout generally suggests negative connotations:

  • a secondary and often lingering effect, result, or set of consequences ;have to take a position and accept the political fallout — Andy Logan.

Source: www.merriam-webster.com

Solution 4:

You may use Detrimental effects to denote the case:

An entrepreneur was forced to recognize the detrimental effects of knowledge-shortage and act accordingly.