Antonym of nomad
The antonym of nomad is nonnomad. It is mentioned in also.
Examples from Google Books:
...“fixed abode of the nomad (Beduin), whom death transforms into a permanent settler (nonnomad) (mugim) for all eternity”
The Spiritual Background of Early Islam by M.M. Bravmann
This represented the first time “Uyghur” entered official use to refer to the Türki-speaking nonnomad population of southern Xinjiang.
Xinjiang: China's Muslim Borderland by S. Frederick Starr
Note: The hyphenated form non-nomad looks like more common based on Google Books result.
If you're speaking of historical populations, you might use the word "settler".
A resident may convey the idea of someone who lives permanently in the same place:
- One who resides in a particular place permanently or for an extended period. (AHD)
or an inhabitant:
- One that inhabits a place, especially as a permanent resident: the inhabitants of a fishing village; snakes, lizards, and other inhabitants of the desert.
@Eilia's comment pretty much hits the mark. According to Merriam-Webster sedentary means (among others):
staying or living in one place instead of moving to different places
Or more pronounced yet:
1: not migratory: settled (sedentary birds) (sedentary civilizations)
Aside from sedentary the antonyms and near antonyms listed for migrant might be interesting as well.
The opposite of a nomad is a dweller.