A word for support that is superficial, but not operational

I'm looking for a word to describe support that is shown only on a public level; it is declarative but not operational, more like an encouragement. For example, I might support all organizations that deal with deforestation, but I don't give them my money, my time, or anything else. But I will pat them on the back , or tweet my support, or tell the world that I stand behind what they are doing.

I first thought of declarative support, but I couldn't find that phrase on the internet.

Solution 1:

Perhaps token support

representing no more than a symbolic effort : minimal, perfunctory token resistance; token integration


Solution 2:

That is called:

Lip service:

  • support for someone or something that is expressed by someone in words but that is not shown in that person's actions


Solution 3:

Slacktivism seems to fit your description pretty perfectly:

The word is usually considered a pejorative term that describes "feel-good" measures, in support of an issue or social cause, that have little physical or practical effect, other than to make the person doing it feel satisfied that they have contributed... The acts tend to require minimal personal effort from the slacktivist.

(From Wikipedia)

In my experience, It's most commonly applied to the act of "liking" or "up-voting" posts about good causes online, which lets the "clicker" feel awesome about themself, but doesn't really do much to effect change.

Solution 4:

You could say that you support them in word but not in deed.