One verb to replace 'be a member of' a club

Solution 1:

If an action rather than a stative verb like belong to is required, I'd suggest:

  • (Person A) goes to (club)

This does not denote an action performed within the club premises but indicates that the person takes part in activities carried out there.

Solution 2:


There isn't a really good answer for this, since there's not a strong word for what exactly you do at a club. And frankly, that's understandable, because clubs have so very any different activities. For instance if it's a flying club, you could have

Joe flies at the club

However, what's usually the case with clubs, is that you show up and then do whatever the club does. So this is a viable catch-all:

Joe attends the club

Solution 3:


Joe participates in the Drama Club and the Chess Club.

(I suppose it's possible to be technically a member of a club but never actually participate in any of its activities, but I'm going to overlook that since I can't think of a word that would cover that situation :))