In the context of contests, sporting or otherwise, this idiom springs to mind:

"Our team wiped the floor with them from beginning to end."

  • wipe the floor with: to ​defeat someone very ​easily:

    "I ​hear Italy ​beat France in the ​semifinals last ​night." "Beat them? They ​wiped the ​floor with them!"

Cambridge Dictionary

You could also say:

"we had them in the palm of our hand from beginning to end"

  • have in the palm of your hand: to have ​complete ​control over someone and to be ​able to make them do anything you ​want:

    He had the ​audience in the palm of his ​hand.

Cambridge Dictionary

Lastly, in Britain, there's an idiom which is commonly used in the circumstances of a contest:

"Our team thrashed them"

  • thrash: defeat heavily in a contest or match:

    I thrashed Pete at cards


Agree with @Lawrence. Your sentence is idiomatic as it is.

However, if your team exhibited ruthless demonstration of sporting skill and acumen, then you can safely say that you "steamrollered" all your opponents.

an overpowering force, especially one that crushes all opposition with ruthless disregard


An example:

Australia steamrollers Pakistan in second final