Trash works on NTFS when mounted by Nautilus, but not when automounted via /etc/fstab

I believe Nautilus needs a .Trash-1000 folder in the root of the filesystem (e.g. /media/D_0931_data/.Trash-1000) to exist and be user-writeable.

NOTE: the 1000 in the .Trash-1000 is your user ID. You can get yours by id -u USERNAME. Change it accordingly if needed.

Try running this: sudo mkdir /media/D_0931_data/.Trash-1000; sudo chmod 777 /media/D_0931_data/.Trash-1000.

If that didn't work, can you try the same but with .Trash instead of Trash-1000, and if that didn't work, post the output of ls -la /media/D_0931_data?

Try adding this to fstab (on the ntfs line): defaults,uid=1000 instead of just defaults.