Remap Caps Lock key to 'Run Command' (Alt+F2)

  1. Install Xdotool Install xdotool and CompizConfig Settings Manager Install compizconfig-settings-manager from Ubuntu Software Center

  2. Disable Caps-Lock by opening Keyboard Preferences

    System ▸ Preferences ▸ Keyboard

    Goto tab Layouts then click the button Options...

    Change the key behaviour to CapsLock is disabled

    enter image description here

  3. Open CompizConfig Settings Manager

    • Use Run Command, Alt + F2, and type ccsm
  4. Enable Commands plugin then add the following

    • Add xdotool key alt+F2 to the first available command slot

    • Goto 'Key Bindings' tab. In the same slot number assign Caps Lock key.

      Note: It will show VoidSymbol as the button assigned but this is fine.

      enter image description here

      enter image description here

Going by what you mention here. You can disable CAPS LOCK by going to System ▸ Preferences ▸ Keyboard. Then in the window that opens Layouts ▸ Options.... Here you can change the CapsLock key behaviour and disable it.