Word for "of or relating to God"

What is an objective, scientifically precise word meaning of or relating to God?

(To be clear, I mean scientific only in the context of having scientific precision, a word that would describe the phenomenon from an unbiased, if not objective, point of view.)

Theistic, as it implies the existence of a single deity only, while theodicy entails "the vindication of divine goodness and providence in view of the existence of evil," which is too partial.

For example, what word would best fill the blank in the phrase "a series of ____ visits," meaning "a series of visits by God"?

Solution 1:

Something "of, relating to, or proceeding directly from God or god" is divine.

Solution 2:

Though you have chosen divine, I will put in my vote for godly—“a godly visit”. It can be capitalised if you mean to refer to a specific god, and to my eye Godly is less obtrusive than Divine, which looks a bit like the old convention of capitalising personified nouns.

Solution 3:

Perhaps consider an alternative wording. Rather than "a series of _ visits", perhaps you're looking a "a series of theophanies".

Solution 4:

"Divine" is "of or pertaining to gods or a god". So "a series of divine visits" would be a series of visits by a god. Which god might be implicit in the context. If you made clear that the context as being Christianity for instance then it would be clear that the god in question is Yahweh.

If you want a word that specifies a particular god distinct from any others as clearly as possible, then use the god's name in possessive form. "a series of Yahweh's visits" for instance would make it clear that the visits were by Yahweh rather than Ahura Mazda or Eris. I don't know if Yahweh worshippers consider "God" capitalized like that to be a name, but if not, you could use it the same way "a series of God's visits". A name in possession form is as much a word as any other word, and has the meaning of "belonging to or otherwise associated with [whatever the named thing is]"