Locking binary files using git version control system

Solution 1:

Subversion has locks, and they aren't just advisory. They can be enforced using the svn:needs-lock attribute (but can also be deliberately broken if necessary). It's the right solution for managing non-mergeable files. The company I work for stores just about everything in Subversion, and uses svn:needs-lock for all non-mergeable files.

I disagree with "locks are just a communication method". They are a much more effective method than push-notifications such as phone or e-mail. Subversion locks are self-documenting (who has the lock). On the other hand, if you have to communicate by other traditional push-notification channels, such as e-mail, who do you send the notification to? You don't know in advance who might want to edit the file, especially on open-source projects, unless you have a complete list of your entire development team. So those traditional communication methods aren't nearly as effective.

A central lock server, while against the principles of DVCS, is the only feasible method for non-mergeable files. As long as DVCS don't have a central lock feature, I think it will keep the company I work for using Subversion.

The better solution would be to make a merge tool for all your binary file formats, but that's a longer-term and ongoing goal that will never be "finished".

Here's an interesting read on the topic.

Solution 2:

I agree that locking binary files is a necessary feature for some environments. I just had a thought about how to implement this, though:

  • Have a way of marking a file as "needs-lock" (like the "svn:needs-lock" property).
  • On checkout, git would mark such a file as read-only.
  • A new command git-lock would contact a central lock server running somewhere to ask permission to lock.
  • If the lock server grants permission, mark the file read-write.
  • git-add would inform the lock server of the content hash of the locked file.
  • The lock server would watch for that content hash to appear in a commit on the master repository.
  • When the hash appears, release the lock.

This is very much a half-baked idea and there are potential holes everywhere. It also goes against the spirit of git, yet it can certainly be useful in some contexts.

Within a particular organisation, this sort of thing could perhaps be built using a suitable combination of script wrappers and commit hooks.

Solution 3:

In response to Mario's additional concern with changes happening in multiple places on the binaries. So the scenario is Alice and Bob are both making changes to the same binary resource at the same time. They each have their own local repo, cloned from one central remote.

This is indeed a potential problem. So Alice finishes first and pushes to the central alice/update branch. Normally when this happens, Alice would make an announcement that it should be reviewed. Bob sees that and reviews it. He can either (1) incorporate those changes himself into his version (branching from alice/update and making his changes to that) or (2) publish his own changes to bob/update. Again, he makes an announcement.

Now, if Alice pushes to master instead, Bob has a dilemma when he pulls master and tries to merge into his local branch. His conflicts with Alice's. But again, the same procedure can apply, just on different branches. And even if Bob ignores all the warnings and commits over Alice's, it's always possible to pull out Alice's commit to fix things. This becomes simply a communication issue.

Since (AFAIK) the Subversion locks are just advisory, an e-mail or instant message could serve the same purpose. But even if you don't do that, Git lets you fix it.

No, there's no locking mechanism per se. But a locking mechanism tends to just be a substitute for good communication. I believe that's why the Git developers haven't added a locking mechanism.

Solution 4:

Git LFS 2.0 has added support for file locking.

With Git LFS 2.0.0 you can now lock files that you're actively working on, preventing others from pushing to the Git LFS server until you unlock the files again.

This will prevent merge conflicts as well as lost work on non-mergeable files at the filesystem level. While it may seem to contradict the distributed and parallel nature of Git, file locking is an important part of many software development workflows—particularly for larger teams working with binary assets.

Solution 5:

We've just recently started using Git (used Subversion previously) and I have found a change to workflow that might help with your problem, without the need for locks. It takes advantage of how git is designed and how easy branches are.

Basically, it boils down to pushing to a non-master branch, doing a review of that branch, and then merging into the master branch (or whichever the target branch is).

The way git is "intended" to be used, each developer publishes their own public repository, which they request others to pull from. I've found that Subversion users have trouble with that. So, instead, we push to branch trees in the central repository, with each user having their own branch tree. For instance, a hierarchy like this might work:


Feel free to use your own structure. Note I'm also showing topic branches, another common git idiom.

Then in a local repo for user a:


And to get it to central server (origin):

git push origin feature1:users/a/feature1

(this can probably be simplified with configuration changes)

Anyway, once feature1 is reviewed, whomever is responsible (in our case, it's the developer of the feature, you could have a single user responsible for merges to master), does the following:

git checkout master
git pull
git merge users/name/feature1
git push

The pull does a fetch (pulling any new master changes and the feature branch) and the updates master to what the central repository has. If user a did their job and tracked master properly, there should be no problems with the merge.

All this means that, even if a user or remote team makes a change to a binary resource, it gets reviewed before it gets incorporated into the master branch. And there is a clear delineation (based on process) as to when something goes into the master branch.

You can also programmatically enforce aspects of this using git hooks, but again, I've not worked with these yet, so can't speak on them.