Windows task scheduler error 101 launch failure code 2147943785 [closed]

Solution 1:

The user that is configured to run this scheduled task must have "Log on as a batch job" rights on the computer that hosts the exe you are launching. This can be configured on the local security policy of the computer that hosts the exe. You can change the policy (on the server hosting the exe) under

Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy -> Local Policies -> User Rights Assignment -> Log On As Batch Job

Add your user to this list (you could also make the user account a local admin on the machine hosting the exe).

Finally, you could also simply copy your exe from the network location to your local computer and run it from there instead.

Note also that a domain policy could be restricting "Log on as a batch job" rights at your organization.

Solution 2:

Had the same issue but mine was working for weeks before this. Realised I had changed my password on the server.

Remember to update your password if you've got the option selected 'Run whether user is logged on or not'

Solution 3:

I have the same today on Win7.x64, this solve it.

Right Click MyComputer > Manage > Local Users and Groups > Groups > Administrators double click > your name should be there, if not press add...

Solution 4:

Had the same issue today. I added the user to:

Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy -> Local Policies -> User Rights Assignment -> Log on as a batch job

But was still getting the error. I found this post, and it turns out there's also this setting that I had to remove the user from (not sure how it got in there):

Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy -> Local Policies -> User Rights Assignment -> Deny log on as a batch job

So just be aware that you may need to check both policies for the user.

Solution 5:

Just adding this for anyone with the same problem as me, I was getting the "Task Start Failed" error because I had changed my Windows password so I had to open the task properties and save with the new password.