Check whether a string is parsable into Long without try-catch?

Long.parseLong("string") throws an error if string is not parsable into long. Is there a way to validate the string faster than using try-catch? Thanks

You can create rather complex regular expression but it isn't worth that. Using exceptions here is absolutely normal.

It's natural exceptional situation: you assume that there is an integer in the string but indeed there is something else. Exception should be thrown and handled properly.

If you look inside parseLong code, you'll see that there are many different verifications and operations. If you want to do all that stuff before parsing it'll decrease the performance (if we are talking about parsing millions of numbers because otherwise it doesn't matter). So, the only thing you can do if you really need to improve performance by avoiding exceptions is: copy parseLong implementation to your own function and return NaN instead of throwing exceptions in all correspondent cases.

From commons-lang StringUtils:

public static boolean isNumeric(String str) {
    if (str == null) {
        return false;
    int sz = str.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
        if (Character.isDigit(str.charAt(i)) == false) {
            return false;
    return true;

You could do something like


Using regular expression - to check if String s is full of digits. But what do you stand to gain? another if condition?

org.apache.commons.lang3.math.NumberUtils.isParsable(yourString) will determine if the string can be parsed by one of: Integer.parseInt(String), Long.parseLong(String), Float.parseFloat(String) or Double.parseDouble(String)

Since you are interested in Longs you could have a condition that checks for isParsable and doesn't contain a decimal

if (NumberUtils.isParsable(yourString) && !StringUtils.contains(yourString,".")){ ...

This is a valid question because there are times when you need to infer what type of data is being represented in a string. For example, you may need to import a large CSV into a database and represent the data types accurately. In such cases, calling Long.parseLong and catching an exception can be too slow.

The following code only handles ASCII decimal:

public class LongParser {
    // Since tryParseLong represents the value as negative during processing, we
    // counter-intuitively want to keep the sign if the result is negative and
    // negate it if it is positive.
    private static final int MULTIPLIER_FOR_NEGATIVE_RESULT = 1;
    private static final int MULTIPLIER_FOR_POSITIVE_RESULT = -1;

    private static final int FIRST_CHARACTER_POSITION = 0;
    private static final int SECOND_CHARACTER_POSITION = 1;
    private static final char NEGATIVE_SIGN_CHARACTER = '-';
    private static final char POSITIVE_SIGN_CHARACTER = '+';
    private static final int DIGIT_MAX_VALUE = 9;
    private static final int DIGIT_MIN_VALUE = 0;
    private static final char ZERO_CHARACTER = '0';
    private static final int RADIX = 10;

     * Parses a string representation of a long significantly faster than
     * <code>Long.ParseLong</code>, and avoids the noteworthy overhead of
     * throwing an exception on failure. Based on the parseInt code from
     * @param stringToParse
     *            The string to try to parse as a <code>long</code>.
     * @return the boxed <code>long</code> value if the string was a valid
     *         representation of a long; otherwise <code>null</code>.
    public static Long tryParseLong(final String stringToParse) {
        if (stringToParse == null || stringToParse.isEmpty()) {
            return null;

        final int inputStringLength = stringToParse.length();
        long value = 0;

         * The absolute value of Long.MIN_VALUE is greater than the absolute
         * value of Long.MAX_VALUE, so during processing we'll use a negative
         * value, then we'll multiply it by signMultiplier before returning it.
         * This allows us to avoid a conditional add/subtract inside the loop.

        int signMultiplier = MULTIPLIER_FOR_POSITIVE_RESULT;

        // Get the first character.
        char firstCharacter = stringToParse.charAt(FIRST_CHARACTER_POSITION);

        if (firstCharacter == NEGATIVE_SIGN_CHARACTER) {
            // The first character is a negative sign.
            if (inputStringLength == 1) {
                // There are no digits.
                // The string is not a valid representation of a long value.
                return null;

            signMultiplier = MULTIPLIER_FOR_NEGATIVE_RESULT;
        } else if (firstCharacter == POSITIVE_SIGN_CHARACTER) {
            // The first character is a positive sign.
            if (inputStringLength == 1) {
                // There are no digits.
                // The string is not a valid representation of a long value.
                return null;
        } else {
            // Store the (negative) digit (although we aren't sure yet if it's
            // actually a digit).
            value = -(firstCharacter - ZERO_CHARACTER);
            if (value > DIGIT_MIN_VALUE || value < -DIGIT_MAX_VALUE) {
                // The first character is not a digit (or a negative sign).
                // The string is not a valid representation of a long value.
                return null;

        // Establish the "maximum" value (actually minimum since we're working
        // with negatives).
        final long rangeLimit = (signMultiplier == MULTIPLIER_FOR_POSITIVE_RESULT)
            ? -Long.MAX_VALUE
            : Long.MIN_VALUE;

        // Capture the maximum value that we can multiply by the radix without
        // overflowing.
        final long maxLongNegatedPriorToMultiplyingByRadix = rangeLimit / RADIX;

        for (int currentCharacterPosition = SECOND_CHARACTER_POSITION;
            currentCharacterPosition < inputStringLength;
            currentCharacterPosition++) {
            // Get the current digit (although we aren't sure yet if it's
            // actually a digit).
            long digit = stringToParse.charAt(currentCharacterPosition)
                    - ZERO_CHARACTER;

            if (digit < DIGIT_MIN_VALUE || digit > DIGIT_MAX_VALUE) {
                // The current character is not a digit.
                // The string is not a valid representation of a long value.
                return null;

            if (value < maxLongNegatedPriorToMultiplyingByRadix) {
                // The value will be out of range if we multiply by the radix.
                // The string is not a valid representation of a long value.
                return null;

            // Multiply by the radix to slide all the previously parsed digits.
            value *= RADIX;

            if (value < (rangeLimit + digit)) {
                // The value would be out of range if we "added" the current
                // digit.
                return null;

            // "Add" the digit to the value.
            value -= digit;

        // Return the value (adjusting the sign if needed).
        return value * signMultiplier;