Firefox becomes default browser after upgrade. Cannot revert to Google Chrome

Upgraded my notebook to Natty Beta 1 two days ago. All seems to be in order except for a very annoying little thing. I used to have Google Chrome as my default browser, and after the upgrade, this default was changed to Firefox. Note that when I go to the Google Chrome settings and to the Firefox setting it seems that Google Chrome is set as my default browser, but whenever I click on a URL from outside a browser it's Firefox that comes up and not Chrome.

Any help will be much appreciated.


Turns out that there is this little application called "Preferred Applications" and you can set your default browser there. I figured this out, 2 minutes after posting my question. Well, three things are a mystery to me:

  1. Why was my default changed?
  2. How is a "new" user supposed to know about this "Preferred Applications" utility? This utility is not in the launcher, and I only recalled it by sheer luck.
  3. Why are the settings within Firefox and within Google Chrome not working?

You should file a bug report for this, because this may be a bug that is part of 11.04. Again, 11.04 is in beta, so bugs are bound to happen.