Eclipse: Frustration with Java 1.7 (unbound library)

Solution 1:

1) Find out where java is installed on your drive, open a cmd prompt, go to that location and run ".\java -version" to find out the exact version. Or, quite simply, check the add/remove module in the control panel.

2) After you actually install jdk 7, you need to tell Eclipse about it. Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs.

Solution 2:

To set JDK you can watch this video : how to set JDK . Then when you'll have JDK:

  1. Right click on build path and select "Build Path"
  2. Choose "Configure Build Path"
  3. Click on "JRE System Library [JavaSE-1.7] (unbound)"
  4. Edit it
  5. Choose "Alternate JRE"
  6. Click on "Installed JREs.." button
  7. Press Add
  8. Choose to add "Standard VM"
  9. Choose JRE Home directory - usually it is locates in "C:\Program Files\Java\jre7" directory
  10. Press "Finish"
  11. Re-check newly appeared "Jre7": Verify that now when you edit "JRE System Library [JavaSE-1.7]" "Alternate JRE" is chosen for jre7.

Solution 3:

1)Go to configure build path . 2)Remove unbound JRE library . 3)Add library --> JRE System library .

Then project compile and done ..