Vagrant is a tool to build and manage virtual machines for developers. It has a getting started on Ubuntu guide that contains iffy-looking suggestions like

$ sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ruby1.8 /usr/bin/ruby  # wtf???

or installing RubyGems from source rather than from Ubuntu packages, and then using gem install to install vagrant itself.

I'm not feeling comfortable just following those instructions. Is there perhaps a PPA? Are there, perhaps, alternative tools that are packaged for Ubuntu?

Solution 1:

Nowadays you can download self-contained .deb files from

Not as good as a PPA, but at least you can introspect what files get installed where and remove the package cleanly.

Solution 2:


Vagrant install vagrant 1.0.1 is now included in universe in 12.04 and you can install this via the Software Center.