Install 32bit Java (OpenJDK) on 64bit Ubuntu 12.04 [duplicate]

To answer the original question:

On 12.04 and 12.10, it is possible to install i386 packages on amd64 by appending ":i386" to the package name when running apt-get. So, for example, while running an amd64 Ubuntu 12.04 Live CD, I ran:

sudo apt-get remove firefox openjdk-6-jdk icedtea-6-plugin
sudo apt-get install firefox:i386 openjdk-6-jdk:i386 icedtea-6-plugin:i386

And could then successfully log into the VPN.

Since 12.04, Juniper VPN will work on OpenJDK 6 out-of-the-box but only on i386. There was a bug in the icedtea plugin that was preventing this from working previously. I have verified that this is fixed using an i386 Ubuntu 12.04 Live CD.

I am surprised that the amd64 Oracle JDK is working for you. However, I have not yet tested it myself, but when I do I will update this answer. It would be good if you can confirm exactly what packages you are now running.

It is worth noting that there is an optional part to the Juniper VPN login process called the Host Checker that may or may not be configured on the VPN server you are connecting to; it enforces security policies on Windows computers but still has to run on Linux to check what OS you are using. This could result in differing reports of success from different people. For reference, the VPN I use does have the Host Checker enabled.

In your original question you state that you were installing Java 7 packages, yet your log shows you are using Java 6 in Firefox. If you have multiple JDKs installed, you need to be clear which on you are using.

For reference, there is also a very long-running thread on the Ubuntu forums on Juniper VPN.


I have now tested the amd64 Oracle JDK and it wouldn't work for me. So as far as I can see, installing the i386 version of the Oracle JDK or Open JDK is the only way to get it working.

Juniper used to require Oracle Java, due to a bug in OpenJDK.

Refer :

to install java.